xarvio Product Manager











Objectives of the Position  

  • Responsible for the steering of the digital product portfolio including a meaningful targeted positioning and seamless and user-friendly onboarding experience for customers
  • Responsible to drive the further development the digital product portfolio by successfully implementing new functionalities and products that capture significant business potential in the market
  • Responsible to gain market and customer insights as basis to keep the product competitive by driving required product improvements and developments
  • Act as key focal point for internal and external stakeholders for the steering, development and successful commercialization of digital products


Main Tasks

Portfolio Steering

  • Development and implementation of targeted positioning for digital products including: targeted market segment, targeted customer segment, definition of product USPs and their added value for farmers, targeted product pricing incl. commercial offers, definition of distribution strategy, identification and capturing of synergies with other BASF portfolio parts (e.g. Crop Protection, Seeds & Traits), development of a promotion plan and development of a standard product presentation as basis for developing training and promotion materials supporting internal teams and customers whenever necessary
  • Ensure a seamless and user-friendly onboarding experience for digital product customers by:
    • Ensuring a reliable and user-friendly product performance to achieve user activation and satisfaction
    • Ensuring a frictionless purchase experience by overseeing the webshop and product purchase flow
    • Ensuring an effective customer journey starting from product discovery to the completion of the purchase process
    • Continuously monitor and analyze the product performance and user insights to drive product improvements based on the resulting findings

Pipeline Management

  • Creation of a digital product development roadmap across crops and functionalities reflecting the market and customer needs including business case planning to reflect the business potential of new functionalities; roadmap reflects a clear prioritization of required functionalities to be developed
  • Drive the implementation of the development roadmap ensuring the defined functionalities and key milestone targets are met on time and in line with expectations
  • Continuously oversee solution design, user story writing, feature development and user acceptance testing
  • Explore advanced technology to keep the digital product portfolio state-of-the-art for customers including holistic QA/QC offers to offer required customer support in an effective and efficient way

Market Intelligence & Reporting

  • Conduct market research to identify trends, gather user feedback and insights and keep the product competitive by driving required product improvements and developments
  • Responsible for the development, further advancement and maintenance of tools to track the progress on commercialization of digital products for internal and external stakeholders   

Collaboration with Key Stakeholders

  • Partner actively and regularly with cross-functional teams (e.g. xarvio Customer Success, xarvio Agronomy, Crop Management, Marketing Excellence/Campaign Management) for the development and implementation of the targeted positioning for digital tools
  • Partner actively and regularly with cross-functional teams (e.g. xarvio Customer Success, xarvio Agronomy, Crop Management, Marketing Excellence/Campaign Management) for the development and implementation of the digital product development roadmap
  • Act as main interface and actively collaborate with global digital team to ensure the successful products maintenance and improvement and successful product development, testing, and deployment (implementation of development roadmap)
  • Collaborate with internal and external stakeholders to establish and manage integrations with partner FMIS and machine platforms to reach required digital product connectivity  


Minimum Education and Qualification Required for the Position

  • Education: University degree in agriculture  
  • Language: Professional level in both Japanese and English
  • Working Experience: Working for 5 years in marketing/product management/business development preferably in digital business; project management experience beneficial  
  • Technical & Professional Knowledge: Expertise in innovative business development, marketing/product management experience, high literacy in digitalization and artificial intelligence, experience in customer journey/customer experience design, strong analytical and project management skills, excellent communication and interpersonal skills, learning agility especially of farming practices and agronomy


A unique total offer: you@BASF


BASFで働く: We connect to create chemistry 人と人とのつながりを通じて、化学でいい関係をつくります。


BASFが今後も成長し続けていくためには、優れた人材が不可欠です。 BASFでは、多様なバックグラウンド、経験、考えを持つ社員の力を最大限に生かしたベストチームの編成を目指しています。異なるアイデアを受け入れ、協力的で創造性に富んだ環境が、BASFの強みとなり、素晴らしい成果を促す組織風土を作り出しています。

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Tokyo, 13, JP

BASF Japan Ltd.
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