Production Manager(005732)











Main Tasks:
Environmental, health and safety responsibility 环境健康安全责任
- Assist plant manage to Make sure the respective of safety production, environment protection, fire protection, occupational safety, and health, etc. laws/regulations fulfill implementation in plants, make sure the plant specific license and permit to operate.
- 协助装置经理保证国家安全生产、环境保护、消防安全、职业安全和健康等各项法律法规在本装置内贯彻执行, 确保装置每项工作都符合生产相关许可要求。
- As plant safety assistant, to assist plant manager to organize the safety meeting regularly for each shift. solve the safety problems of production on time.
- 作为装置安全助理,协助装置经理定期召开班组安全会议,及时解决生产中的安全问题。
- Conduct plant work hazards classification, assessment, and inspection periodically for safe operation, organize the safety countermeasures and keep the record.
- 定期进行工作危害分级评估和安全生产隐患排查,组织整改落实,并做好相关记录。
- Develop Safe job procedures including operation manual for plant safe operation.
- 制定安全工作程序,包括现场安全操作的操作手册;
- Educate Safe job procedures including operation manual, EHS guideline including safe work permit system and MSDSs of raw materials, intermediates and products, emergency responsible, malfunctions treatment, etc. to employees and contractors in AO plant.
- 对在AO 装置区域从事作业的员工和承包商进行关于安全工作程序,包括操作手册,EHS指南,其中包括安全作业票系统,原料,介质和产品的材料安全数据表, 应急响应, 故障处理等方面的培训;
- Organize the hazards sources identification, risks prejudgment, and find out the hazards, take the corrective actions, eliminate the risks.
- 开展危险源辨识、风险预判活动,发现安全隐患,立即组织整改,直至消除。
- Enhance the plant facilities maintenance and keep the plant facilities and safety devices always in good conditions.
- 加强装置设备的检修维护,保证设备、安全等设施处于完好状态
- Enhance the safety management for contractor’s activities in plants, approve relevant PTW according to PTW authorization list.
- 加强承包商在装置内活动的管理,根据PTW授权清单批准相应的作业许可证。
- Replace, add and improve Plant facility to secure safe operation of plant and to prevent environmental pollution and so on;
- Assist Plant manager to conduct the initial incident investigation and maintain all related record or other information to facilitate further investigation in case of incident.
- Organize Emergency drill of plant level according to every potential emergency case (alarm plan) in regular basis;
- Act as incident assistant commander in case of plant level emergency according to BCCS Emergency Response Procedure; and act as incident commander in case of absent of plant manager.
- Educate operators to dispose lawfully wastes (drained chemicals & any waste material) & vented gas, which is generated or occurred during operation and preparation work for maintenance and repairing work;
- Organize to Keep, maintain & update MSDSs of all raw materials, intermediates and products with the latest information;
- Assist plant manager to organize the EHS review (project review, engineering review) during Change implementation in plant according to Management of Change procedure. Conduct Process Safety review, Pre-startup Safety Review (PSSR) & Management of Change on facility as well as on any changes such as procedures & raw material specification and so on;
- Review and Update P & ID, pipe service index, interlock/alarm list, explosion protection document, safe job procedures including operation manual in accordance with every change;
根据每一个变更,及时审查并更新PID, 连锁/报警列表,防爆文件,安全工作程序,其中包括操作手册。
- Assist plant manager to organize the EHS review for existing plant, new investment project, or technical modifications as per BASF requirement;
- 按照BASF要求,对现有装置,新投资项目,技术变更等变更,协助装置经理组织EHS审核。
- Have the responsibility for promptly reporting to direct supervisor in case of any incidents and near miss or exposure to hazardous substances, stop relevant activities immediately
- Inform their supervisions of any hazard, unsafe condition or behavior and follow, report the status.
- 向主管报告发现的危险、不安全条件或行为,并进行跟踪和后续汇报。
- Always practice good housekeeping and keep workplace clean,organize the 5S audit monthly;

Quality management 质量管理
- Implement and follow Company QM policies & procedures
- 执行和遵循公司QM政策和程序。
- Monitor daily quality as well as production process, ensure to meet quality standards and maintain quality consistency.
- 跟踪管理日常质量状况和生产流程。保证质量标准的落实和质量的稳定
- Develop measures to correct quality deviation on time, including NCM management. Assist plant manager to organize investigation of NCM and quality deviation.
- 及时采取措施纠正质量偏差,包括NCM管理。
- Optimize the process flow and procedure to improve quality, and to reduce NCM Q.
- 优化工艺流程或程序,以提高质量,减少质量未遂事件。协助装置经理组织NCM和质量偏差的调查。
- Follow up the findings from internal or external audit.
- 并跟踪落实内审或外审的发现项。

Personnel management 人员管理
- Organize training to ensure employee’s abilities meet the requirement of position;
- 组织员工培训,确保员工能力符合岗位要求。
- Conducts hearings to resolve or effect settlement of grievances and consult Human Resources function as appropriate.
- 听取员工问题反应,并解决问题,并酌情咨询人力资源部门。
- Approve the temporary leave for shift team members, review and replace with qualified one if necessary
- 批准班组人员临时请假,如必要,评估和安排具有资质人员人顶班。
- Monitor and stop the unsafe behaviors of all people in plant.
- 观察并制止装置内所有人员的不安全行为。

Production management 生产管理
- Update weekly production planning to ensure fulfill the demand as well as optimize the capacity utilization;
- 更新生产周计划,保证产品供应并优化产能管理。
- Monitor daily execution of production plan, quick response to emergency situation;to minimize the capacity loss.
- 监控计划的有效执行,异常情况及时处置,将产能损失最小化。
- Monitor and optimize the consumption of raw materials and utilities, as well as minimize the waste;
- 最优化原材料和公用设施的消费量。
- Improve and optimize the condition of the plant with regard to technology, organization and working atmosphere;
- 改进或优化装置情况,包括技术、组织和工作环境。

Planning and cost control 计划和成本控制
- Plan and coordinate with the relevant functions to schedule and decide all the plant activities for production, maintenance, quality, receiving and shipping.
- 计划和相关职能部门协调,确定时间进度,决定装置内各项工作任务包括生产、维护、质量、接收和运送。
- Develop the budget for own plant, ensure plant activities within the agreed budget.
- 改进装置预算,确保在既定的预算内完成装置内各项工作任务。
- Minimizes the production cost within the company framework.
- 在公司框架内,最小化生产成本。

Transportation and Distribution Safety 运输分销安全
- Assist TDS responsibility person of AO plant to compliance with local and international rules and regulations, and to BASF standards, with respect to Transportation & Distribution Safety requirements in scope of AO plant.
- 协助AO装置TDS负责人,确保AO装置在运输分销安全方面的要求符合当地和国际法规制度,以及巴斯夫的标准。
- Responsible for developing and review the procedure and work instruction of TDS activities in AO plant, which TDS activities include marking/labeling/packaging/filling/loading & unloading in scope of AO plant.
- 负责制定及审查AO装置关于TDS活动的程序和作业指导书。TDS活动包括在AO装置所涉及货物的标识/标签/包装/罐装/装卸等方面的工作。

Maintenance and repairing 维护和维修
- Assist plant manager to monitor daily maintenance notification, ensure the repair job implemented on time to minimize capacity loss,
- 协助装置经理监控日常维修工作的有效执行,将产能损失最小化。
- Assist plant manager to oversee and ensure the implementation of preventative maintenance and repairing programs.
- 协助装置经理确保预防性维修和维护程序的有效性并监督执行。
- Reliability management (weekly)可靠性管理(每周)
- Optimization of technical equipment优化技术设备
- Maintenance cost control 维修成本控制
- Asset Effectiveness (GAP)资产有效性

Material management 物料管理
- Enhance communication with MRP planner, to ensure materials supply for following production in weekly production schedule, to avoid loss of capacity.
- 根据生产周计划,加强与MRP计划员沟通,确保物料供应,避免产能损失。
- Enhance communication with downstream plant to ensure smoothly transfer of products.
- 加强与下游工厂的沟通,确保产品能顺利传送到下游装置。

Technology and Documentation management技术和文档管理
- Oversee the administration (compilation, maintenance, upgrading, retrieval and distribution) of production data to ensure an updated database in an easily accessible (integrated computerized) system.
- 监管生产数据行政管理,包括编制,维护,升级,检索和分发,以确保生产数据库在电子化系统内及时更新。

- Education University, Chemistry or Chemical Engineering
- Working Experience: 5 years chemical industry
- Technical & Professional Knowledge:
- Plant management/ production of oleo-chemicals/ surfactants EHS& Q auditing/ ISO standards


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