Senior Specialist, Network Security(005424)











Digital Hub China in Nanjing attracts, grows, and develops passionate people who will meaningfully impact the digital future of BASF. Come join us and be a part of our digitalization journey.

工作目标 Objectives:
您将成为全球虚拟团队的一员,与所有地区的同事一起,负责为巴斯夫环境提供不同的服务,如:安全互联网接入、远程访问 VPN、Web 应用程序防火墙、负载平衡器、DNS、DHCP、IPAM、DDoS:安全互联网接入、远程访问 VPN、Web 应用程序防火墙、负载平衡器、DNS、DHCP、IPAM、DDoS、端到端监控和可视性
您将加入 SIAP("安全互联网接入平台")团队,该团队负责保护复杂环境的安全,全球数百个站点的 11 万多名同事每年创造两位数的十亿销售额。

You will be part of a Global Virtual Team, with colleagues in all regions, which is responsible for providing different services to the BASF environment like: Secure Internet Access, Remote-Access VPN, Web Application Firewalls, Load Balancers, DNS, DHCP, IPAM, DDoS, End-to-end Monitoring and Visibility
You will join the SIAP (“Secure Internet Access Platform”) Team, which is responsible for keeping a complex environment safe, where over 110k colleagues, from hundreds of sites all over the globe, are generating double digit billion sales yearly.

主要任务 Main Task:
- 运行和维护下一代防火墙(云服务、硬件和虚拟设备),这些防火墙托管在不同的云提供商(AWS、Azure、阿里巴巴)或内部,为巴斯夫的所有用户和设备(笔记本电脑、个人电脑、服务器、应用程序等)提供安全互联网访问服务,以及远程访问 VPN 服务。
- 运行和维护网络应用防火墙和负载平衡器(内部部署和云端),保护巴斯夫面向互联网的网络应用。
- 事件管理:在端到端监控和可视化工具的帮助下,为排除故障和修复相关事件提供三级支持
- 问题管理:修复可能出现并导致用户或设备无法安全访问互联网资源的问题
- 变更管理:执行变更请求
- 持续改进服务:积极主动地改进亚太统计所的服务质量
- 参与支持内部业务合作伙伴及其不同用例的会议
- 参与基础设施项目,进一步开发和改进巴斯夫环境
- 积极寻求并保持与全球同事的联系,在与业务合作伙伴和客户的日常活动中为区域联络点提供支持

- Operate and maintain the Next Generation Firewalls (cloud service, hardware and virtual appliances), hosted in different cloud providers (AWS, Azure, Alibaba) or on-prem, that are providing the Secure Internet Access service to all BASF users and devices (laptops, PCs, Servers, applications etc), as well as Remote-Access VPN service.
- Operate and maintain the Web Application Firewalls and Load Balancers (on-prem and cloud) that are protecting the BASF Internet-facing web applications.
- Incident Management: Level 3 support for troubleshooting and fixing related incidents, with the help of our End-to-end monitoring and visibility tools
- Problem Management: fix problems which may appear and lead to users or devices in not being able to access securely internet resources
- Change Management: Implement change requests
- Continuous Service improvement: be proactive and improve the quality of SIAP services
- Contribute in meetings to support the Internal Business Partner and their different use cases
- Contribute in infrastructure projects to further develop and improve the BASF environment
- Actively seek and keep contact with your colleagues across the globe and supporting the regional point of contact in day-to-day activities with business partners and customers

- 计算机科学、信息学、商业信息学或类似领域的学位
- 在大中型企业环境中至少有 5 年以上的安全运营工作经验
- 具有敏捷工作方式或敏捷实施方法的经验
- 从事过信息技术、电信技术、过程控制技术、通信技术方面的工作
- 能够在小型创新团队和跨职能团队中工作
- 具有基于技术供应商的项目实施经验,如Palo Alto Networks、思科、F5、AWS、Azure、阿里巴巴、Cloudflare
- 熟悉 SASE、Prisma Access 或 SD-WAN 架构和供应商(思科 Viptela)
- 远程用户访问技术(GlobalProtect)
- 隧道协议,如 SSL/TLS、IPSec
- 身份验证方法,包括 2FA、RADIUS、LDAP、AD
- IP 路由:BGP、OSPF、静态、网络地址转换
- 证书管理
- 虚拟化技术ESX、KVM、Xen、Microsoft
- 下一代防火墙功能、配置和部署(Palo Alto Networks、Checkpoint);集中管理(Panorama)
- 云平台(AWS、Azure、阿里巴巴)
- 安全协调工具(TUFIN)
- 具有在复杂网络环境(路由、交换、MPLS、标记、VLAN、VPC 等)中排除故障的经验
- WAF 和负载平衡器(F5)
- 代理(BlueCoat/Symantec/Broadcom)
- SIEM (IBM QRadar)
- DDoS
- 监控和可视性(Riverbed、Aternity、Cisco Thousand Eyes)
- DDI (VitalQIP、EfficientIP、Infoblox)
- 业务供应商管理专业知识
- 用于脚本和自动化目的的编程语言
- 必须具备在新任务领域快速获得能力的良好素质,并能独立掌握新技术、新方法和新技能
- 非凡的分析思维和故障排除技能
- 最好具有发散性思维,能够理解和消除复杂性,并为复杂问题找到创新的解决方案
- 能够作为全球虚拟团队的一员开展工作。
- 具有在团队内外与最终用户沟通的强烈意愿和能力是关键。
- Degree in Computer Science, informatics, business informatics or in a comparable field
- Minimum 5+ years job experience in security operations within mid & large-size enterprise environments
- Experiencing Agile way of working or agile implementation approach
- Technical career preferably in information technologies, telecommunications technologies, process control technology, communication technologies
- Ability to work within small, creative teams as well as cross-functional teams
- Experience in implementing projects based on technology vendors like: Palo Alto Networks, Cisco, F5, AWS, Azure, Alibaba, Cloudflare
- Knowledge of SASE, Prisma Access or SD-WAN architectures and providers (Cisco Viptela)
- Remote user access technologies (GlobalProtect)
- Tunnelling protocols such as SSL/TLS, IPSec
- Authentication methodologies, including 2FA, RADIUS, LDAP, AD
- IP Routing: BGP, OSPF, Static, Network Address Translation
- Certificate Management
- Virtualization technologies: ESX, KVM, Xen, Microsoft
- Next Generation Firewall capabilities, configuration, and deployment (Palo Alto Networks, Checkpoint); centralized management (Panorama)
- Cloud Platforms (AWS, Azure, Ali Baba)
- Security Orchestration Tools (TUFIN)
- Experienced in troubleshooting within complex network environments (routing, switching, MPLS, tagging, VLAN, VPC etc.)
- WAF and load balancer (F5)
- Proxy (BlueCoat/Symantec/Broadcom)
- SIEM (IBM QRadar)
- DDoS
- Monitoring and Visibility (Riverbed, Aternity, Cisco Thousand Eyes)
- DDI (VitalQIP, EfficientIP, Infoblox)
- Operational vendor management expertise
- Programming languages for scripting and automation purposes
- Good ability to gain competence in new assignment areas quickly and independently covering new technologies, methods and skills is essential
- Extraordinary analytical thinking and troubleshooting skills
- Out of the box thinking is desirable to understand and eliminate complexity and to find innovative solutions for complex problems
- Able to work as part of a globally spread, virtual team.
- Strong will and ability to communicate within and outside the team, with end users, is key.

中国数字枢纽于 2020 年在南京成立。作为全球数字中心(Global Digital Hub Verbund)的一部分,该中心正在快速发展,目标是在未来几年内员工人数达到三位数。该中心专注于数字化和创新的IT解决方案,以增强巴斯夫在中国的IT产品组合和专业技能,它为巴斯夫带来了一支全能的数字人才团队,在中国独特的数字环境下为巴斯夫创造解决方案。它还为湛江新的特大型项目的智能制造工作做出了贡献。
Digital Hub China was founded in 2020 in Nanjing. As part of the Global Digital Hub Verbund, the hub is rapidly growing with a target of a three-digit number of employees in coming years. Focused on digitalization and innovative IT solutions to enhance BASF’s IT portfolio and expertise in China, it brings an all-around capable team of digital talents to create solutions in the context of China’s unique digital landscape to BASF. It also contributes to the smart manufacturing endeavors for the new mega project in Zhanjiang.

在巴斯夫,我们为可持续发展的未来创造化学。我们将经济成功与环境保护和社会责任相结合。巴斯夫集团的 110,000 多名员工为客户的成功做出了贡献,我们的客户遍及几乎所有行业和世界上几乎每一个国家。我们的业务组合分为六大板块:化工、材料、工业解决方案、表面技术、营养与护理以及农业解决方案。2020 年,巴斯夫的销售额达到 590 亿欧元。
At BASF, we create chemistry for a sustainable future. We combine economic success with environmental protection and social responsibility. More than 110,000 employees in the BASF Group contribute to the success of our customers in nearly all sectors and almost every country in the world. Our portfolio is organized into six segments: Chemicals, Materials, Industrial Solutions, Surface Technologies, Nutrition & Care and Agricultural Solutions. BASF generated sales of €59 billion in 2020.

BASF Asia-Pacific Service Center is based in Malaysia, we may reach you via Malaysia phone number.


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BASF Asia Pacific